Custom Templates

A step-by-step guide to setting up and using custom HTML templates in the SuperDS extension.

Custom Templates in the SuperDS Extension

With SuperDS, you have the flexibility to use custom HTML templates for your eBay listings, giving you full control over how your products are presented. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and using custom templates in the SuperDS extension.

How to Enable and Edit Custom Templates

  1. Access the General Settings: Start by opening the SuperDS extension. On the left-hand side, navigate to the General Settings section.

    General Settings

  2. Enable Custom Templates: Within the General Settings, tick the Use a custom template option to enable custom templates for your listings.

    Enable Custom Templates

  3. Edit Your Custom Template: Click on the pen icon next to the text field to open a modal where you can paste your custom HTML template.

    Edit Template Icon

  4. Paste Your Custom HTML Template: In the modal, paste your custom HTML template. Use the placeholders below to automatically insert the correct product information into your template:

    • Product Title: {title} - Inserts the product's title.

    • Main Image: {image} - Inserts the main product image.

    • Sub Images: {image_[index]} - Inserts additional images. Replace [index] with the image number (e.g., {image_1}, {image_2}). You can include up to 5 sub images.

    • Product Description: {description} - Inserts the product's description.

Custom Template Modal Placeholder

Example Template

Here’s an example of how you might structure a simple custom template:

<div class="product-listing">
  <img src="{image}" alt="Main Product Image" />
  <div class="sub-images">
    <img src="{image_1}" alt="Sub Image 1" />
    <img src="{image_2}" alt="Sub Image 2" />
    <img src="{image_3}" alt="Sub Image 3" />
    <img src="{image_4}" alt="Sub Image 4" />
    <img src="{image_5}" alt="Sub Image 5" />

Save and Apply Your Custom Template

Once you've pasted and configured your custom HTML template with the appropriate placeholders, make sure to save your changes. From this point forward, every time you list a product using the SuperDS extension, the custom template will automatically be applied, ensuring consistency and professionalism across all your eBay listings.

Tips for Using Custom Templates Effectively

  • Consistency is Key: Ensure that your custom templates align with your brand’s aesthetic. Consistent use of colors, fonts, and layout will help build brand recognition.
  • Test Your Template: Before applying the template across all your listings, test it with a few products to ensure that all placeholders are correctly formatted and displaying the information as intended.
  • Keep it Updated: As your business evolves, so might your branding. Make sure to update your custom template periodically to reflect any changes in your branding or product presentation strategy.
  • Seek Inspiration: If you’re new to creating custom templates, look for inspiration from other eBay sellers or professional web designers. You can find many free HTML templates online that you can adapt to suit your needs.
  • Optimize for Mobile: With a growing number of shoppers browsing eBay on mobile devices, ensure that your custom template is responsive and displays correctly on smartphones and tablets.

Get Started Today

Custom templates give you the power to control every aspect of how your products are presented on eBay. With SuperDS, creating and applying these templates is a breeze. Start using this feature today to elevate your eBay listings and stand out in the marketplace.

Start Using Custom Templates with SuperDS

With SuperDS, your eBay listings are not only efficient but also visually appealing, tailored to your brand’s unique style.